Doctorat lettres et langue Française: التقديمات الحديثة

  • Ayad, Abla; Guidoum, Laarem; Sablayrolles, Jean-François (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-10-14)
    This paper examines the generic characteristics of a particular kind of journalistic discourse that is the column. It is one of the kinds of commentary in which the information provided is endowed with personal and highly ...
  • Khainnar, Yasmina; Guidoum, Laarem (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-11-03)
    The act of learning is subjective. Indeed, the diversity of learning styles and strategies of each learner only confirms the difference individuals have in learning. This difference deserves to be taken into account because ...
  • Chabbia, Zoubir; Hanachi, Daouia (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-06-25)
    In this research, we have explored the didactical system implemented in the teaching of French as a foreign language using it in our plurilingual context. We wanted to understand how metacognitive self-regulation is taken ...
  • Bouchemaa ép Laouar, Saoussen; Hacini, Fatiha (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-10-08)
    This research focuses on the process of assessing the written production among students of the Center of Intensive Language Teaching at the University of Constantine 1, the case of learners at levels 3 and 4. The objective ...
  • مؤلف غير معروف (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-06-14)
    This thesis entitled, Strategies enunciative and theme of the war in the trilogy of Philippe Claudel is devoted to the study of novels: The Gray Souls, The Little Girl of Mr. Linh and The Brodeck Report. We organized this ...
  • Lokoraï, Halima Yousra; Benachour, Nedjma (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-04-18)
    The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how Assia Djebar and Salim Bachi use the travel theme in their writings to introduce some sort of a discourse debating the World and the Self. A comparative study will allow ...
  • Atoui, Nour El Houda; Ali-Khodja, Jamel (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-04-25)
    Understanding the challenges in the recurrence writing in Malek Haddad’s works leads us to examining the play of self-reflexivity in the writer’s novel. This recurrence writing which is designated as both repetition and ...
  • Bennoui, Abdeldjalil; Cherrad-Benchefra, Yasmina (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-04-28)
    The use of the electronic communication became intensified during this last years among students especially with the advent of 3G / 4G, becoming the platform for writing. A writing characterized by voluntary transgressions ...
  • Salhi, Amel Imene; Hanachi, Daouia (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-03-07)
    These last decades, the education (teaching) of the French language in Algeria, knows a real situation of blocking, so much in the oral which has the paper, the learners seem incapable to reinvest the reflections and the ...
  • Sensri, Meriem; Guidoum, Laarem (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-11-07)
    Football is the most popular sport spectacle, that attracts many young Algerians. It allows them to distinguish themselves and affirm their belonging to a national and / or local identity. In our work, we were interested ...
  • Bechiri, Camelia Nabila; Hacini, Fatiha; Canelas-Trevisi, Sandra (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-03-14)
    Since 2003, the Algerian school is adopting the competence approach to organize and structure the new programs, but the latter should be accompanied with a different method of teaching and managing the relations into the ...
  • Sista Salim, Ahmed; Hacini, Fatiha (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019)
    At the confluence of many areas, our research work has despréoccupations both linguistic, educational and informational. In nousbasant on our own observations of class and on the results of nosdifférentes field investigations, ...
  • Zemmouchi, Khadidja Soumia; Guidoum, Laarem (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-12-17)
    The present research aims to characterize the argumentation in the televised French-speaking debate; through a study conducted on the debate ""Criminal Court, the reform,"" presented by Ahmed Lahri and difused on December ...
  • Bechiri, Camelia Nabila; Hacini, Fatiha; Canelas-Trevisi, Sandra (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-03-14)
    Since 2003, the Algerian school is adopting the competence approach to organize and structure the new programs, but the latter should be accompanied with a different method of teaching and managing the relations into the ...
  • Zemmouchi, Khadidja Soumia; Guidoum, Laarem (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-12-17)
    The present research aims to characterize the argumentation in the televised French-speaking debate; through a study conducted on the debate Criminal Court, the reform,"" presented by Ahmed Lahri and difused on December ...
  • Taouret, Hafiza; Ali Khodja, Jamel (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-02-24)
    This research is based on the inscription of the land in the rural novels, especially in the trilogy of Mouloud Feraoun (The land and the blood, The paths that go up and The son of the poor), Arris of Yamina Méchkra, The ...
  • Belkessa, Lahlou; Derradji, Yacine (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-11-04)
    Cette étude s’inscrit dans le champ des littératies universitaires. Elle s’interroge sur les moyens didactiques d’acculturer les étudiants du département des Lettres et Langue Françaises de l’université de Bejaia, ...
  • Boukezoula, Inès; Redouane-Benslimane, Radia; Gelas, Bruno (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-10-28)
    This research dedicated to the works of Latifa Ben Mansour aims to highlight the exchanges between narrative writing and its relation to orality by trying to show the ways of co-existence of writing and orality in the ...
  • Benslimane, Ilhem; Hanachi, Daouia; Boyer, Henri (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018-01-18)
    Nowadays, speaking subjects use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to communicate remotely and strengthen inter-individual relationships. In fact, technical devices reveal new forms of sociability and ...
  • Boukebbab èp Diabi, Nadjet; Logbi, Farida (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2018)
    The present research work entiteled “violence and ideologies in the works of Yasmina Khadra”, has attempted to analyse the different manifestations of violence: linguistic, social, religious, and governmental in relation ...

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