A tough challenge the Algerian higher education system is confronted with concerns student underachievement. The factors that students’ success or failure can be attributed to are manifold and teaching methodology may actually top the list. The aim of this study is to investigate whether learners’ performance on a specific topical knowledge speaking test will be enhanced if we implement an instructional design that incorporates the principles of the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory. The study attempts to investigate as well teachers’ knowledge and application of the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory in addition to examining learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of the importance of the speaking skill and some of the main factors and problems that influence its acquisition. In order to achieve the research objectives, we resorted to a number of instruments, namely a quasi-experimental design, a students’ questionnaire, and a teachers’ questionnaire. The quasi-experiment was conducted on three randomly chosen groups of first year students at the level of the English department- Larbi Ben M’hidi University. It helped in testing the research hypotheses: that experimental group A (with whom the Competency-Based Approach is implemented) will outperform the control group in the specific topical knowledge speaking test and that experimental group B (with whom the Competency-Based Approach is implemented in combination with the Multiple Intelligences Theory) will outperform both the control group and experimental group A in the specific topical knowledge speaking test. The teachers’ questionnaire shed light on teachers’ familiarity with and use of the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory, and both surveys explored students and instructors’ attitudes towards the speaking skill and the factors they think influence its development. Research findings reveal that the speaking skill is highly valued by both students and teachers. The quasi-experimental design findings demonstrate that combining the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory yields better results in improving students’ speaking skill; our research hypotheses were confirmed. Results of the teachers’ questionnaire, however, indicate that teachers’ knowledge about the CompetencyBased Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory is limited. In the light of the findings the researcher came to, a number of suggestions are put forward to help teachers and educational institutions implement effectively the Competency-Based Approach and the Multiple Intelligences Theory.