First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor and mentor, Pr Farida Abderrahim, for her endless patience, precious guidance, and invaluable comments, and without whom I would never have been able to complete this work. I would also thank the board of examiners who accepted to read this research work and to enlighten me with their comments and recommendations: Pr Riad Belouaham, Pr Mohammed Ouskourt, Pr Youcef Beghoul, Pr Sarah Merrouche and Dr Madjda Chelli.
My deepest thankfulness goes to Dr Ahmed Belhani, the head of the eLearning cell of the University “Frères Mentouri”, Constantine 1, for his help and kindness, and without whom I would not have been able to implement the practical part of this research work.
My profound gratitude is addressed to Pr Meghlaoui Dakhmouche, my father, who guided me and helped me with the statistical part of this research work, to Mrs Amina Dakhmouche, my sister, who agreed to give me access to her online course and who greatly helped me with her objective criticism and valuable comments, and to Mrs Rosa Dakhmouche, my mother, for the proofreading of my thesis and for her expertise in course design.
My sincere appreciation is addressed to the Second Year BA students of
English (of the academic year 2016-2017) who provided me with valuable data for the
practical part of my research work. I truly appreciate their seriousness and
commitment to this endeavour.