Upgrading the quality of students' learning at higher education continues to focus more on
finding ways and means to involve students in their learning process. This research study intends
to help improve the teaching of research methodology course at the undergraduate level. Its
focus is developing students' knowledge of research methodology (KRM), research skills (RS)
and positive attitudes toward research by adopting more interactive teaching methods (ITM)
through tutoring teaching strategy. At the department of English language and literature, Batna 2
University, quantitative and qualitative data were collected by adopting a descriptive and quasiexperimental design. Hence, data were gathered from: questionnaires (3 teachers and 58
students); Focus group discussions (2 teachers and 18 students); pretests and posttests (control
group (28) and experimental groups (30)); classroom observation (experimental group); group
evaluation forms (experimental group); and a post-experiment questionnaire (experimental
group). After analyzing these data through both statistical and document analysis techniques,
results proved that students who received the treatment, interactive tutorials, showed significant
research methodology knowledge and skills development. In addition, students developed more
positive attitudes toward research. This study strongly recommends embracing the interactive
teaching model for the research methodology course and other courses in the English as a foreign
language program. Results of this study add to the body of research supporting interactive
teaching methods, tutoring, and the research on research methodology pedagogy.