The city of Jijel that sudden effects of the urban extension owed to the
demographic growth, is transformed himself of a middle city in big city to the exit
of the exodus of the population and the natural development that it recorded as sits
of the wilaya. Gold if the city regroups the main facilities of basis, it records an
insufficiency of extension zones however intended to the urbanization.
In the same way to the development of the city, the adjacent agglomerations
of the city(Kaous, Tassoust) recorded a big demographic growth that resulted in
an anarchical urban development of these agglomerations that remain extensively
dependent of the Jijel city. This dependence is owed to the insufficiency or urban
function lack in these regions.
Otherwise, the realization of a university in the agglomeration of Tassoust
reinforced its ties with the city of Jijel and this by the acting involvement of this
agglomeration in the extension of the city thanks to the decompression and the
attenuation of the polarization of the city mother. Besides, capacities of create a
favorable atmosphere to the realization of cooperation between centers in view of
to find a solution to the urban extension of the city of Jijel and to organize to best
the urban development of these urbanization centers.
Finally note, that the realization of a plan that organizes reports between
these centers remained the only solution capable to solve this problem, since
instruments of urbanization present proved to be inefficient. This project is first
based on the restructuring of the urban cloth existing, then on the realization of
the common and reciprocal interest between these centers