The study area match the Atlas area surrounded to the north by immigrant area and south by
the area parautochtone. The whole part of the margin of the African plate to which the Alpine
tectonics plays a crucial role in setting up different structures. Its structural evolution is
related to tectonic events succeeding in the time since the end of the Paleozoic until today.
The terrain encountered in the study area are generally of Meso-Cenozoic age, consisting
essentially of marine facies carbonate clay interspersed occasionally by clay and sandstone
deposits, corresponding to the Neocomian, Barremian and Albian and lower Miocene.
On the sedimentological level, the limestones of the Aptian at the series of massive, Dj.
Fedjoudj, Bou Arif and Dj Tarf part in internal domain subtidal to intertidal facies in the
majority depends on a complex barrier, generally characterized by oolitic facies. This is
usually sought when mainly be a barrier reef area and because of their petrophysical
On the tectonic map, different structures are represented by structures of Atlas plicatives
direction (NE-SW) and the compartmentalized Timgad basin south.
The hydrocarbon potential map and the data areas (geological and geophysical) surrounding
and by correlation with the sedimentological context of the region, the Aptian age limestone
could be a real tank.
The interest in the study of Oolitic deposits along the barrier complex is the result of
discoveries of oil in many parts of the world.