The assessment of the seismic risk in northern Algeria is one of the main challenges of
development in northern Algeria. This thesis focuses on the study of late-Cenozoic
deformations in the region of Hammam Meskhoutine.
At ...
luid-mineral equilibria, suggesting that the corresponding reservoir should be at less than 2 km depth. In
a geothermal reservoir, the groundwater is heated by heat flow and incongruently dissolves the subsurface
minerals ...
The study area match the Atlas area surrounded to the north by immigrant area and south by
the area parautochtone. The whole part of the margin of the African plate to which the Alpine
tectonics plays a crucial role in ...
The hydrogeothermal resources Mila region emerge in favor of tectonic conjugate directions NS,
EW, NW-SE. They are defined by the emergence temperatures ranging from 30°C to Ain Tinn
and 54°C in Beni Guechat (hyper).
You ...
The region of Cap Bougaroun is part of the Kabylie of Collo. Structurally the massif of
Cape Bougaroun is integrated in the Maghrebian chain; it belongs to the internal domain and more precisely to the base Kabyle.
The ...
The region of Sidi Maarouf and its surroundings in north-eastern Algeria is distinguished by the presence of a number of massive carbonates of Jurassic age (Kef Sidi Marouf, Kef oulehmame and Kef Derdja). These massives ...
tract The main purpose of this work was the characterization of minerals associated with evaporite Triassic formations of the Setifian High Plains.
In the north eastern of Algeria and between the two barriers of mountains, ...
Northern Algeria is one of the most active regions in the world. Therefore, when building infrastructure, manufacturers are enormous difficulties, especially in some regions, including the CONDE-Smendou. In this region ...
The impact of climate warming on the water is currently a highly debated. The subject of
the thesis is committed to clarify the influence of climate change on the hydrological
Constantine’s. This work is based on three ...
Chadi M; Serrai Nassima(Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2017-01-01)
The southern Neritic massive of Ain M'Lila constitiue one of the main outcrops of Lower
Crétaceous néritic platform Constantinoise.
They are part of a region located charniére convergene to the external areas of the ...
During the Jurassic; Intense magmatic activity accompanied the Rifting and openness,
and subsidence and installation of the open sea, This magmatism is well represented at the
Kabylie of Collo and El Milia (N E Algeria) ...
This study, conducted in the area Hassi Tarfa, aims to provide an evaluation of the
main sedimentological characteristics of Hamra Quartzite reservoir, which is the one of the
largest oil reservoirs in the Algerian Palaeozoic ...
Timgad basin is located at the convergence of the pre-Atlas domain which is characterized by a tectonic style marked by massive overthrusting northern (Monts Belezma and links Bou Arif -Fedjoudj) and the autochthonous ...
The Beni Haroun dam is situated into an area characterised by a high potentialities of surface water (Oued Rhumel, Oued Endja….), and ground water (karstic aquifer, alluvial aquifer of Oued Endja…). The study target consists ...
The plain of El Ma El Abiod is located in the extreme eastern Algeria, in Tébessa and part of the watershed Chott Melhrir, it is subject to a semi-arid climate where the average rainfall scarcely exceeds the 250mm / year.
The region of Ain M'lila, located in eastern Algeria, is part of the outer zones of the alpine chain of oriental Algeria.
It is an area characterized by large carbonate deposits (limestone and dolomite). These deposits, ...
This work is part of a process of deepening knowledge about the functioning of karst aquifers - the karst system of carbonate aquifer the Boumezoug - and karstic resurgences. The source of Boumezoug which lies thirty ...
"On the North-east of the big Erg Oriental (low Sahara) and under the Saharan Climate
(hyper dry type), which reigns over all the Southern Algerian, is located « El Oued valley ».
low rainfall and high temperature have ...