This work takes into account the economic, environmental and mechanical contexts of regional and local bioproducts from fertile environments in Algeria. We find in nature several solutions to physical problems, particularly in the manufacture of composite materials which constitute a promising axis in the field of scientific research and are subject to analysis measurements of their mechanical and environmental behavior in order to allow their use in the various industrial sectors of building, furniture, packaging, clothing, leisure, aeronautics and the automotive industry,…. others. The interest of this study relates to renewable materials of energy biomass, bioproducts and/or bio-composite. Our work is based on the extraction method and the mechanical characterization of artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L) and cattail (Typha latifolia) biomass fibers which are produced naturally and in abundance in the northern regions of Algeria, particularly the northeast. It also relies on the manufacture of bio-composite models made of long and short fiber laminate materials such as ""Cynara cardunculus L"" composed with unsaturated polyester resin. Standardized test specimens are then taken from these models in order to perform tensile and impact tests (short beam method) to assess their mechanical behavior. The net production of CYNARA Cardunculus L leaf fibers is 25 to 38. Tensile tests of fibers show that their mechanical behavior is varied (coefficient of elasticity, stress and displacement at break). The extraction of typha latifolia fibers shows two types of fibers of their morphology with different mechanical characteristics. The method of calculating mechanical behavior plays an important role in evaluating the characteristics of biofibers. Including, basing in this work on three energetic method, section crushing method of the fracture (our work) and the method most often used. Also our work is a study of the effect of storage under atmospheric conditions on the mechanical behavior of the fiber. The statistical study by the Weibull probability function with two parameters gives a confidence value of elasticity coefficient of 5.3 and tensile stress equal to 48, MPa for the four estimators. Also, the one-way ANOVA probability study proves that artichoke fibers can be stored at room conditions for no longer than 12 months.