In this work we studied the effect of magnetic field on the tribological behavior of the
cutting tool during manufacturing operations starting from the mass wear characterized by
mass loss, morphology wear mode, chips morphology and manufacturing the cutting
In the presence of magnetic field in the contact manufacturing leads to reduction wear
and radically changes the nature of mode wear. There is a critical intensity of the magnetic
field H = 16. 5 KA / m, for which the wear of the cutting is minimal and the cutting edge is
preserved. With regard to, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical microscope
observations revealed the existence of three modes of wear: frontal, in crater and by plastic
deformation, in absence of the magnetic field. On the other hand, in the presence of the
magnetic field with wear in crater. Moreover, the increase of the magnetic field modifies the
shape and the morphology of chips and it rises the contact of temperature as well.
The study of the effect of magnetic field on the tribological behavior of the cutting
tool during manufacturing operations permitted to collect information likely to be employed
in technological applications during processes of manufacturing and techniques of
manufacture of the cutting tools. In general, the application of a magnetic field for cutting tool
appears as a simple, effective and inexpensive to increase their lifetime and contribute to the
optimization of the production tool.