The present thesis entitled “Translation of the book of Clash of
Civilization by Samuel P. Huntington: Analytic and Comparative
Study”. This book is well known in the field of international politics.
Our study is based on analysis and comparison between those
translations made by Talaat Echaib and Abass Hilal Kadem.
In this context, we have asked different questions about analysis and comparison:
*- What is the importance of translation in the domain of politics?
*- What are the strategies which are adopted by the two translators
Talaat Echaib and Abass Hilal Kadem in their work?
*- Are there any gins or loss in their translations?
This work enfolds two chapters, introduction and conclusion.
*- First chapter:
In which we have studied the theories and strategies of translation and
the problematic of political terms translation. We consider this chapter
as a theoretical framework that will help to analyze the different
samples of translation that are treated in the second chapter.
*- Second Chapter :
In which have defined our corpus entitled: « Clash of Civilization
and the Remaking of World Order». Also, we have selected some
samples of translation, terms or expressions that will help us in the
analysis and comparison. In other words, we will mention the
different strategies that are adopted by the two translators, clarify the
gains and losses in their translations and suggest translation if it is
Conclusion: in which we will give answers to the problematic by
being based on some samples. Finally, we consider that translation in
the political field is very complicated and necessitate a kind of