Our thesis is divided into four theoretical chapters and five practical ones. The theoretical section deals with basic aspects in understanding diglossia, the subject of our study, along with literary translation which will constitute the key-foundation of the practical study. Furthermore, the topic of bilingualism is discussed to remove any ambiguity pertaining to the phenomenon of diglossia and the author Rachid BOUDJEDRA is also introduced in a separate chapter. As for the practical study, it refers to six distorting tendencies found in the author's novels, ranging from the most to the least frequent ones. We started with: destruction or exotisation of the vernacular language networks, expansion, qualitative impoverishment, rationalisation, clarification, ennoblement. It should be noted that because the two processes of rationalization and clarification are closely linked (Antoine
Berman's remarks in his book La traduction et la lettre ou l’auberge du lointain ), we have thus decided to study them together in the same chapter. The problem of our research lies in the difficulty of the act of translating when it comes to literary texts. The complexity they contain leaves the translator sometimes undecided about the choices he should make. The stakes are even greater when it comes to translating the nonverbal; the oral representations, which constitute the foundation of diglossia. How can a translator who already encounters thorny problems in pure literary translation overcome the additional obstacle of diglossia?
How could he translate this part of culture? What processes will he use to reproduce the same effect felt in the original text? These are the questions we will try to clarify in our research.
The major hypothesis is that the translator will renounce to
translate the diglossic expressions that appear in the Arabic text
whenever they are complex, or, without much interest in the body of
the text. Another hypothesis concerning our problematic is that the
translator would try to compensate for the loss resulting from the
translation of the diglossic passages by a surplus of words meant to fill the void left by diglossia. This can easily explain the disproportion created between the original and the target texts in almost all of BOUDJEDRA's works. Regarding the methodology, we opted for adescriptive, comparative and analytical study. The subject of this thesis is therefore a work of comparative literary translation which takes as subject a single author and confronts his Arabic source text with its French translation. For each single example,we have treated quoted the context in which it appears for a better understanding by the reader, compared between the
original text and the translated one, before proceeding eventually
to the critical study of the translation. We have chosen
to consider six distorting tendencies of Antoine Berman as the basis of our translatological analysis. They were thus mentioned by frequency of appearance in the books of BOUDJEDRA. We chose to work on the totality of his books written in Arabic, namely: ( التفككDismantling), ( المرثMaceration), ( يوميات إمرأة آرقDiary of
an Insomniac Woman), ( معركة الزقاقTaking of Gibraltar) , ( فوضى الأشياءThe disorder of things) and ( تيميمونTimimoune), all in chronological order of publication. So, for every trend, we will start with Dismantling to finish with Timimoune. For the diglossic passages, we used the most representative ones; hence, isolated words or some repeated expressions have not been taken into consideration. It is to be noted that the works of BOUDJEDRA
include diglossic expressions of a vulgar nature that we have deliberately ignored. The fact is that those expressions don’t suit the Algerian conservative society.