The covered topic refers to the secret-language alternation phenomenon
(French / colloquial Arabic, colloquial Arabic / French) in radio advertising in
This humble work lies within the scope of sociolinguistics and brings a
small reflexion on the functioning and the characteristics of the secret-language
alternation especially to understand much better why do we change the
language? And what are the real aims?
We assume that the secret-language alternation (French / colloquial
Arabic, colloquial Arabic / French) strategy, used by media in general and the
radio in particular, influences the buying public, and consequently drives them
to purchase.
The theoretical part aims to present the main notion and approaches
concerning the secret-language alternation and the involved languages.
The purpose of the practical part is to reinvest the theoretical tools in the
examination and the analysis of the corpus.
The results of our study seem to affirm assumptions and to cancel other.