In this research trainee teachers will be observed and analysed in their way of presenting lessons .We will relationships with learners(verbal interactions) and their abilities to manage different sessions on the level of language and every didactic relation.
The lack of French language mastery from both teachers and learners makes verbal exchanges difficult between them and distorts correct acquisition of the traget language.
An ethnographic approach of communication and linguistic interactions,and recorded sequences of different interactions between teachers and learners helped us to recognize the difficulties and confusion met by teachers and learners in communicational situations.
Interpersonal relationships aslo between teachers and learners play a significant role here,because they may influence communications between them in different situations.
Every word said in these sessions was taken into consideration in order to evaluate teachers' coherence in different situations.Recorded sequences showed that teachers have a significant problem with language practice,besides their ignorance of the important bases of didactics,linguistics basics and the traget language culture.
In the end, we will show how these factors influence communication between teachers and learners.For example,trainee teacher who explains a French idiomatic expression will be observed when he does this operation in both French and learners' mother tongue.The failing of doing this task in both languages is the core of this research.