Egypt being as a spiritual centre would take the party to impose its self in cultural and artistic influence. But it takes into consideration the grander and undergoes all troubles. Life city, the one of death and the rebirth, it’s origin overwhelmed by religious cuts permeating all humanity pace of it's existence and it's eternal sleep.
It is the ascent to the origins of this fascinating and fabulous civilization that we have decided to undertake the adventure of troves writing and fantasies in initiating the mystics in their writing.
This thesis also traces the boundaries and links between the realm of myth: its function, symbolism and the literary field that exploits this myth in complex variations: playful, ironic, but in all cases, poetic. The meaning of the Egyptian myth always depends on the context of narration and the entanglement between statement (the myth or it's components) and utterance (speech development) in a specific context (socio-historical or literary) that gives clear meaning.
Our research establishes the foundation and evolution of an imaginary about Egypt trough history and art. Making it sit the first course of instrument to explain the links between East and West, art and knowledge, literature and power.
The Egypt mania, Egyptology and orientalisme serve as a general framework for the main orientation of the thesis: self image and the otherness fit well in within the narratives of French writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through poetic and specific fantasy author. If scholars Bonaparte showed the world the glories of civilization, they established at the same time a tradition, that of oriental myth.
Throughout the west ventured into the Nil valley is transcribed the text .Thus we see Rosetta stone hiding in the British museum, the Louver choked the treasures of the Nile and Berlin museum hell the eye of Nephritis while others seized mummies pretext of caring and extrapolate some viruses. These are all the only mythical metaphor of theist this buff East West and all these events can be read in one way or another in stories selected.
Gérard de Nerval appropriates the myth of Isis featuring a parade of legendry Eastern and female figures linked by the mysterious beauty behind the veil. All Egypt is seen through the
initiatory path and labyrinth of a narrator for a fixed identity and religious syncretism in oniromancie and esotérisme.
Théophile Gautier captured the sovereign sacred figure by tilting in the register of the fatal women linked by the mysterious beauty through the scarf. But in other representations, it performs the opposite. So, instead of destroying, it animates the female body fragments gathered in her harem literary and workshop creation.
The interest of the analysis is to show the role of the series of mediations, Egypt mania, Egyptology and Orientals caught between reality and fantasy focused on Egypt and its civilization work.
The fact that Gérard de Nerval and Théophile Gautier chose the Eastern female figure, that of the ideal, the fatal and elusive, which is far from the chance. They help to set up in the literature of the century some personal mythology, that of the fear of the women or soft misogyny in a part, and in the other part the inscription of an ideology of linking this fabulous East exotic in female danger but always desired.
As for the projected mythical image of Jean Cocteau which oscillates between a feminization of the world through the eternal feminine mummy and that of Scheherazade to which is added that o pharaoh whose narcissism is more than a value, a poetic of life . Through confessional writing, theatre and that of the contrast, the author reflects on the art and Egypt in his viaticum experience.
The literary journalism is another method by which Josette Alia blends mythology and historiography, fiction and intimate stories to account for an ancient Egypt as well as a modern real imagined Egypt.
The issue of otherness is also addressed in the aesthetics of French Egyptian narration.
Tales of Andrée Chedid pastiche stories of mythical couple Isis and Osiris, Nefertiti and Akhenaton. Ritualized moments of maternal istinct-founders, feminine power, love, loyality and equality. These stories update models to follow in their offering dual tone (lyric and epic) structures, history, religion and morals a brief sacred truth in the humanitarian quest. The historical novel mingles with the mythical and poetic transposition through iconographic narration.
Robert Solé makes a patient and careful reconstruction of the history of Egypt and Greek Catholic community from the family memory, memories and archival documents through new
devices making his novels location even the search for identity in his mixing and hybridity which are playing on irony and detachment.
The analysis of these narratives French and Francophone identified a kind of poetic and Pharaonic Egypt and Eastern together with a thematic and formal evolution look at Egypt, its civilization and its history.