What are the factors that have exacerbated the problem of the concrete failure of the teaching of the poétic text because of the learner's inability to understand and enjoy it?
What are the perspectives in order to encounter this problem and to realize the objectives of the didactic of this text?
The study focuses on the centrality of these two problematic questions for the approximation of the distance between (didactic poetics) - (reading text poétic- to learn how to read this text)- (The aesthetics of the reception of poetic text-Pedagogic of the reception of this text) in order to establish a didactic of poetry based on the charcteristics of péotics and the conditions and requirements of didactics.
Thus, this study attempts, in the light of a vision of conscious evaluation, to formulate an integral methodological concept to deal with the problem of the reception of the poetic text in the general framework of education, and to establish at procedural level the rules of construction. methodical to read and analyze the poetic text under a strategic axis is to make-read that we consider the most representative of the pedagogical consideration of the term methodical culture, which is commonly disseminated in the pedagogic and academic discourse, while the term of doing- reading is about to be misunderstood in the educational environment.
This is based on the theoretical framework of didactics of the poetic text and the basic potential that it offers to renew and develop poetry courses in secondary education. In addition to carefully examining the extent to which academic discourse with all its pedagogical tools and the reality of didactic practice represent this pedagogical framework, which combines the data of literary criticism and pedagogy