The climate of disappointment which prevailed the eighties of last
century gave birth to research for new creative forms that could have the
capacity to express the new reality with all its fractures. Thus, in France, the
new novel was the form which realised for the Algerian novelist his esthetic
demand. so, writers orientated to the new way of writing. That way gave
special importance to the space, especially with the development of
techniques of editing. Those techniques gave opportunity to engaging in script
space of fictional work.
The Algerian new novel gave great attention to the other space's types
.That attention stems from the Algerian novelist's awareness by looking for
the central space in each culture because he is linked to idetity and the cultural
patterns in every society, and that pushed the new Algerian novel to adduce
referential spaces with great intensity, that versus little presence to
imaginative space that took a fantastic image once and a labyrinth image once
,ad overlapped with heritage once again without cutting indicatively its link
with the referential space .
But the geometric space was not given much importance by the Arabic
critical studies. So, it had a significant presence in the novel blog whether on
the level of things or the level of topography, or even on the architecture
fictional level. Also, the geometric space was related to special themes as
isolation and backwardness. ...etc .
And if we look at the novel as space, we find it full of leitmotif that their
presence is repeated in more than one text . The most prominent one in the
blog was violence which accompanied the Algerian novel since its foundation
phases, and continued with it till the new novels .Indeed violence spread in all
spaces.In open ones was masculine practiced by man whereas practiced on
women in closed ones .That pushed the female to write concentrating on the
womanish phylosophy .which commended its fictional text that she feminized
with her things, her voice and her intimate narration; relying on fiction once,
and on memory once again. So, the memory represented the last dominant
ideas which were repeated in the blog, and which collected two kinds of
memory :singular and collctive .Those ideas opened the text novel on the
historical text.