Faculté des lettres et des langues: Recent submissions

  • Haïne, Sonia; Benachour, Nedjma (Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, 2007)
    This work relates to Kateb Yacine an Algerian writer, who was definitely one of the major figure of the Algerian literature. We focus on his novel Nedjma, who was a subject of several universities researches, however we ...
  • Haïne, Sonia; Logbi, Farida (Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, 2018-04-26)
    The purpose of our thesis is to analyse the theme of heritage and writing strategies in Francophone Algerian literature, through the texts of Kateb Yacine and Salim Bachi. Both writers belong to two generations of Algerian ...
  • كبير, غنية; جاب الله, خالدية (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2019-06-25)
    طغى صوت الرفض للواقع على إبداعات الرّوائية فضيلة الفاروق، فهل نجحت في تحقيق حريتها داخل النص، وتخلّصت من القيود؟ الدراسة المعمقة لروايات الكاتبة تكشف عن وقوعها في عيوب النسق، وتؤكّد أنّ الوظيفة النسقية قد اشتغلت داخل ...
  • يومبعي, محمد يسين; كحيل, سعيدة (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2023-01-22)
    The topic of teaching translation as a tool for teaching and learning foreign languages is one of the topics of concern to many specialists in foreign language education. Most of them are familiar with the curricula that ...
  • ولجي, بية; بولكعيبات, نعيمة (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-07-19)
    تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى كشف وتحليل العناصر السردية في القصة القصيرة أو العمل على استكشاف آليات اشتغالها ومستويات تطبيقها ودرجات تمثلها لدى القاص والكاتب ""جمال فوغالي"" حيث وردت في قالب لغوي جميل. وقد لخصت هذه الدراسة بعد ...
  • Chafi, Lamia; Bensakesli, Antar (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2023-05-30)
    The present thesis entitled: The name in the commercial field in today's Algeria: Uses and Strategies aims to study a purely commercial corpus from tree different sectors from a linguistic point of view. This study shows ...
  • بوطابسو, فطيمة; بولكعيبات, نعيمة (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2023-01-29)
    انطلاقا من المقابلة بين قدرة الرواية على تضمين كل الأنواع الأدبية والأشكال الخطابية وبين تفرد الخطاب القرآني في شعريته وانفتاحه الدلالي غير المحدود وبناء على جملة فرضيات حول علاقة الرواية الجزائرية بالخطاب القرآني راحت ...
  • Mekrache, Mounira; Benmessaoud, Redha (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2023-05-15)
    Considering the journalistic enunciation of Anouar Benmalek in order to show how his discourse emerges between subjectivity and objectification has allowed us to circumscribe facts pertaining to subjectivity, intersubjectivity ...
  • Chioukh, Chadia; Kaouache, Salah (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-02-14)
    The study attempts to probe the efficacy of the cooperative learning method in developing the speaking skill. Based on the general hypothesis that cooperative learning may bring about positive outcomes in advancing speaking ...
  • دحمان, وليد; بودربالة, الطيب (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-10-18)
    The present study aims at investigating the translation of dialogism in the postcolonial novel through a comparative analytical study of four novels written in Arabic and French. The Arabic corpus is inclusive of: Mawsim ...
  • قجالي, سلوى; قريبع, رشيد (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-09-25)
    تناول هذا العمل الموسوم بـ (الرّواية بين القراءة والمشاهدة: من التّأسيس الأدبي إلى التّشخيص الدّرامي –الرّواية الجزائريّة أنموذجا-) العلاقة الموجودة بين الرّواية والسّينما وأيهّما أشدّ تأثيرا في الآخر، منطلقا بإعطاء مفهوم ...
  • Haddad, Amina; Labed, Nacif (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-07-19)
    The present study aims to explore the culture-related writing problems of learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the Teacher Training School of Constantine (TTSC). Two hypotheses have been put forward: 1) The ...
  • Bouali ép. Boutaghane, Oumaima; Bitat, Farid (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-09-15)
    Our research work is part of the teaching of oral, we are particularly interested in the oral production of young learners and the teachers’ interactions with the statements proposed by the learners. Our study is based ...
  • Derouag, Mounira; Sahli, Fatiha (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-07-21)
    Upgrading the quality of students' learning at higher education continues to focus more on finding ways and means to involve students in their learning process. This research study intends to help improve the teaching ...
  • Achoura, Meriem; Merrouche, Sarah (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022)
    The present study tackles the teaching of English in the Algerian secondary school from a critical thinking angle. A qualitative method is followed to analyze the teaching contents of three coursebooks: ""At the Crossroads"" ...
  • Hadjeris, Fadhila; Merrouche, Sarah (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-07-12)
    This study strives to compare and contrast the features that characterize native speaking and non native speaking teachers’ speech in terms of turn-taking, questioning techniques, wait-time strategy, and the treatment ...
  • Barkat, Amel; Zetili, Abdeslam (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-07-14)
    New didactic approaches increasingly call for the empowerment and accountability of the learner. This modernizing reflection on the teaching/ learning act invites the learner to appropriate new roles and new classroom ...
  • Medfouni, Karima; Benboulaid, Charif (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-05-10)
    This study is an attempt to investigate foreign language motivational teaching strategies in the Algerian context of English as a foreign language teacher education. On the basis of some crucial problems, which are, ...
  • Berriche, Abdelali; Merrouche, Sarah (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-05-25)
    Critical Pedagogy is commonly defined as a philosophy of education and social movement that stems from critical theory and the field of education. It advocates for social justice and democracy and argues that both cannot ...
  • Hadjar, Sonia; Guidoum, Laarem (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2022-05-18)
    Our investigation aims at characterizing the Algerian mediated discourse, in particular televisual one, of a TV program entitled Uni-vert, the chosen TV shows deals respectively with the themes of ecotourism, global ...

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