The study was carried out on two flocks of broilers belonging to the same poultry barn in Hamma Bouziane, which drinking source is provided by untreated well water and treated tap water. Our aim was to demonstrate the importance and the need to treat drinking water by examining the bacteriological quality of water carried from the original source of water to the barn (in J0 and J42 days). Water at the barn was analysed for physical and chemical parameters in order to determine the initial water characteristics. The results indicate that antibacterial treatments can significantly reduce bacterial contamination in water pipes during the breeding. To get the optimal effectiveness of these treatments, it is necessary to respect products recommendations (quantities and adapt the treatment to the physical and chemical water parameters). Physical and-chemical water characteristics act directly on the bacteriological quality of water, optimal levels are: Ph <7 hardness <15°F, organic matter <2mg/l, iron<0.2 mg/l, nitrate < 50mg/l. Origin of water (wells / drillings, facilities) material and equipments (drinking troughs, absence of double circuit filter and absence of pressure reducers) are all factors which increase the risk of water contamination by germs.(Total and indicator flora).Treatments (adaptation with the physical and chemical water parameters, control of residual amounts) as well as cleaning and disinfecting (choice of product, respect of the dosage action time) are needed to guarantee the bacteriological quality of water.