To establish (syn. Aegilops the karyotype variabiUs of specie Eig. 2n Aegilops = 4x 28peregrina chromosomes) (Hackel) weMaire have
used classical cytogenetic methods (Feulgen and silver staining) and
molecular cytogenetic methods like: fluorochrom bandnig (chromomycine A3),
fluorescent in situ hybridization of 18S-26S rDNA, 5S rDNA and repetitive
I •—
Coloration with Feulgen has revealed that this karyotype is composed
of 05metacentric pairs, 08 submetacentric pairs which 3 pocess satellites and
1 subtelocentic pair.
The number of satellites corresponds to the number of nucleolus per
cell and to the actif NORs revealed by silver staining.
Heterochromatic bands rich with G-C were detected on telomeric
regions of some chromosomes by the coloration of chromomycine A3.
Two nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) on chromosomes 12 SU and
14 SU corresponding to 18S-26S rDNA and two sites corresponding to 5S
rDNA on the telomeric regions was detected by in situ hybridization.
The hybridization with the PSc119.2 probe permitted to locate
repetitive DNA sequences on telomeric regions of 13 chromosomes from
Ae. Peregrina.