" Fe / Ag Thin films with a film of Fe fixed at 300Å for and a buffer layer
thickness Ag t varied from the from00Å to 150Å , are prepared by the technique of
molecular beam epitaxial, on two kinds of substrates MgO(001) single - crystal and
2 Si(001) / SiO polycristalline, to find the effects of kinds substrate on the structural and
magnetic thin film properties.
The samples structural properties which are characterized by X-ray diffractions at small
and high angles suggested the dependence of the interfacial roughness and growth nature
with the type of substrates used and the Ag buffer layer thickness. The introduction of a 75Å
fixed thickness of Cr layer into the first type of samples confirmed these results.
The magnetic properties are characterized by the MOKE technique at room
The analysis of the hysteresis loops which is registered by MOKE with a magnetic field
applied, parallel with < 100 > and <110 > Fe film directions has suggested the above
results of the structural properties and assimilate in a presence of plane uniaxiale anisotropy,
and in a dependence of the last one and the coercive fields values with the substrates types
and the Ag buffer layer thickness."