The study that we have undertaken is a contribution to the knowledge of the family
Scrophulariaceae through the genus Verbascum where their species are known by their therapeutic
effects against tuberculosis.
The phytochemical screening performed on the specie Verbascum atlanticum showed that the
presence of several chemical groups such as flavonoids and terpenoids.
The chromatographic study of n-butanol extract allowed the isolation of seven products and the
identification of three of them:
Luteolin 7-O-β-glucoside
3 ', 4'-dihydroxy 7 - methoxyflavone 5 – O- glycosyl.
Luteolin 7-O-β-méthylgalacturonide.
The structures were established by a combination of NMRH1 data and UV-Visible spectroscopy.
Test the antioxidant activity (DPPH test) revealed that the n-butanol extract is very active.