In this work we interested to the coordination compounds and important properties
they offer, and perspectives they open.
This work is resumed to the synthesis of mononuclearsquare planar complexes of
platinum and palladium as a first stape, from the complexe of the start to obtain complexes
with ligands not used. Synthesis of a new polymorph of the mononuclear complexe trans-
[PdCl2 (m-CH3PPh3)2], application of different analysis methods RMN, UV, IR and
structural study by X Ray diffraction. Synthesis of a new cyclic ether silyléC36H30 O3Si3
Synthesis of new polymorphes of mononuclear platinum complexes cis-
[PtCl2(Ph2AsCH2CH2AsPh2)] andtrans-[PtCl2(PPh)2 o-MeOPh]
, application of different analysis methodes RMN du 31P, UV, IR and structural study
by X Ray diffraction. Synthesis of a new platinum dinuclearcomplexe [Pt2( -H)(-
PPh2)Br2(PPh3)2] and a new polymorphe of the complexe AuCl(PPh3)
Synthesis and NMR spectroscopy study of new ligands bi-cyclodextrine and mono-
cyclodextrine α and β, their complexation with iron and gold.
Synthesis of other complexes with other ligands not been used yet, application of different analysis methodes RMN du 31P, UV, IR and structural study
by X Ray diffraction. Synthesis of a new platinum dinuclearcomplexe [Pt2( -H)(- PPh2)Br2(PPh3)2] and a new polymorphe of the complexe AuCl(PPh3) Synthesis and NMR spectroscopy study of new ligands bi-cyclodextrine and monocyclodextrine α and β, their complexation with iron and gold. Synthesis of other complexes with other ligands not been used yet