The use inhibition is one of the most practical method for the protection of metals against corrosion, especially in acidic media. Most of the well known inhibitors are organic compounds containing heteroatoms such as nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen. they act by adsorption on the metal surface. heterocyclic compounds, such as salt imidazol and quinoline are expected to be useful for this purpose. This work is devoted to the corrosion inhibition of steel in 0.5 M sulfuric acid medium by two family the salt organic from: imidazolium and quinolinium. the first part of this work studies the influence of concentration and temperature on the corrosion process of mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 acid medium in the absence and in the presence of inhibitors imidazolium by electrochemical measurements : polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. and thus to determine the adsorption mechanisms. The second part of this work was devoted to the study of the comportment electrochemical the three types of steel in the absence and in the presence of inhibitors quinolinium.