The metathesis of olefins in the presence of commercial catalysts based on ruthenium afforded a wide
range of molecules with various applications. This has prompted us to try to synthesize new NHeterocyclic carbenes (NHC) precursors in order to develop new efficient catalysts that perform the
cross-metathesis of olefins, ROMP and RCM. Subsequently, we had developed cross-metathesis of
terminal olefins (CM) as well as cross-linked metathesis of enyne (EYCM) which, in tandem mode, led
to direct functionalizations of the products formed by hydrogenations and/or oxidations affording
various polyfunctional compounds. Thus, we have synthesized buta-1,3-diene derivatives, an ester,
and an acrylonitryl derivatives, a silylated amine, a bisimine, a bisamine, a monoformamide and a
formamidate, an imidazolinium salt, a chloroacetamide, a iodoacetamide and a formamidine with a
thioalyl ring.