This work is devoted to the phytochemical study of two plants, Thymelaea microphylla
Coss. et Dur. and linaria aegyptiaca. belonging to the family Thymelaeaceae and
scrophulariaceae respectively. These two families are known for their richness in various
secondary metabolites. The objective of this work is the determination of the structures of
molecules isolated from these plants, and the evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the major
product (tiliroside) which was isolated from the ethyl acetate phase of Thymelaea microphylla
extract and plant extracts of this plant.
Several chromatographic methods were used in our experimental work which allowed
us to isolate thirteen products from polar and semi polar phases of Thymelaea microphylla
Coss. et Dur. extracts among which seven were identified and fully described. The
phytochemical study of linaria aegyptiaca, allowed us to isolate ten products.The structures of
seven were identified and fully described. All these structures were described for the first time
for the two species.
The methodology of purification was essentially based on the combination of different
solid-liquid chromatographic methods on different media (thin layer chromatography (TLC),
chromatography on silica column, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)).
The structural determination of the isolated secondary metabolites was carried out
thanks to the use of physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques including ultraviolet
spectroscopy (UV), mass spectroscopy (MS) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).
For NMR spectroscopy, the dimensional techniques (1H, 13C, DEPT, J mod) and twodimensional (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) which we used, we were able to realize the final structure
determination and unequivocal most secondary metabolites isolated.
From a biological point of view, the various extracts Thymelaea microphylla have an
average antioxydante activity.the chloroform extract can be considered a major antioxidant and
study can be deepened for therapeutic applications.