The subject that we developed "Elaboration of novel catalytic methods for the synthesis of
heterocyclic molecules " summarizes:
- Through a bibliographical study which puts forward the heterocyclic compounds, the advantage of the reactions making their synthesis possible, in occurrence MCRs and the privilege of organic catalysis.
- Through a study of the catalytic properties of two molecules asymmetrical (DMAP and DABCO) and two symmetrical (L-Proline and Cinchonine) with respect to the synthesis of
pyrazolpyrnopyrimidindiones/ones and pyranopyrazoles, via multicomponent reactions
- Through a study of catalytic properties of two ionic liquids [MePPh3][Br] and [OPPh3][Br] in the synthesis of the spirooxindoles and the pyranopyrazoles. The results with [OPPh3][Br] are not as good as those obtained with [MePPh3][Br], which certainly due to its cumbersome properties.
- This study reinforced the idea of the organic catalysis in MCRs giving the
pyrazolopyranopyrimidindiones/ones the pyranopyrazoles and the spirooxindoles
heterocyclic compounds