Speaking about knowledge management is a pleasant matter ; this pleasure consists in looking at
the forces and at the real resources possessed by the organisation. The individuals, alone, not the
buildings, not the material means and not the commercial features, can make organisations and
prepare ways for them to remain and to preserve their specificities. The great challenges of
management are under the control of human beings. If there is a difficulty in mastering and finding
definite rules to cooperate with humans and with their behaviours, the situation will be harder
when dealing with knowledge wich is hidden in their thought and soul.
This study aims to deepening the comprehension of the reality of knowledge and its
management wich necessitates a knowledge about management that takes the individual and the
tacit knowledge he possesses as two faces for the valuable currency of superiority, considering the
situation of the algerian organisation in relation with knowledge and its enabling.
To achieve the expected objectives, we’ve established an outline that consists of five main
chapters wich can be considered as prominent steps necessary for every organisation to rely on in
order to set up the boundaries of intelligent management built on human being and knowledge.
Consequently, this needs :
-Knowledge about knowledge with its various dimentions and its distinguishing characteristics and
faces when its language was as data and information, and wich underline its importance and
specificities in the organisation, its theories and sources, in addition to the necessary aspects
needed for a « Knowledge Organization » (chapter 1).
-A great consideration is given to knowledge and its roles in any organization to the extent that
knowledge has become a title to the stratigies, an important aspect of its practices, that is to say
Knowledge Management that necessitates a deep understanding of its principle, objectives and
elements, in addition to its efficint application of its procedures and the evaluation of its results
(chapter 2).
-The capability of the organisation to attain its objectives through knowledge management relies on
the individuals’ competence in assuming their tasks. This achievement of the work can not be
assured on its own, but it is based on the conviction that man is the fundamental resource of the
organisation wich tends to establish a managerial method that promotes competence (chapter 3).
-The maturity of the organisation grows when the individual becomes both the means and the
objective where tacit knowledge constitates a target in man’s thought and soul to reduce the
knowledge gap by analysing its movement, its orientations, and consequently to find ways for
enabling tacit knowledge (chapter 4).
-To be practical and to study the real situation of the algerian organisation constitute the unique
way to identify our position in relation with this practices, and to distinguish our precise lacks
taking Hadj-Lakhdar university libraries in Batna a model for our study (chapter 5).