we began this théme by organization and dévelopement of school équipments in the wilaya of constantine, this annunciation is composed of five chapters : 1 st chapter indentification of sonsets and the recognition of the algerian éducational system with its structure and its function for the préparation of the indidual who was master entry for a scientific study, 2nd chapter presentation of the wilaya of constantine and démographics ; largest population density in the center of the wilaya and
contrary to the périphery with a high percentage of schoolchildren, 3 rd
chapter study of school équipments current of the wilaya with its distribution and the various indicators in relationship between the
distribution and the number of schools with the population, 4th chapter
évaluation of schools of the wilaya and classification of commons
according to the differences in the level of équipments i twas found that
the school équipments are adequate in the centre of the wilaya by
contribution to the municipalities on the outskirts, 5th chapter éstimate of the current deficit of school équipments and their assessment of the
futurs need with suggestions and recommendations for organization and
dévlopment of school équipments in the wilaya of constantine in 2030.