Afficher la notice abrégée Mammeri, Madiha Dib, Hénia 2022-05-24T11:15:35Z 2022-05-24T11:15:35Z 2017-05-10
dc.description.abstract The hydrogeothermal resources Mila region emerge in favor of tectonic conjugate directions NS, EW, NW-SE. They are defined by the emergence temperatures ranging from 30°C to Ain Tinn and 54°C in Beni Guechat (hyper). You meet all kinds of geochemical facies bicarbonate waters, sulphated, with chloride respectily from carbonate formations, gypsiferous and saline. The use of chemical geothermometry to estimate the temperature of the waters to the various depths with values varying between 52.19°C (minimum temperature) in Dar Echikh and 842,14°C (maximum temperature) to the hot spring Dar El Fouini. The mineralization of water is very important due to the thermodynamic conditions for the solution temperature and carbon dioxide. Isotopic analysis of water and gas produced on the thermal waters, shows that they are essentially meteoric origin and carbon dioxide, water mineralizing element, derived from sedimentary formations linked to thermodecarbonization.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject منبع حموي
dc.subject ماء باطني
dc.subject الحمویة
dc.subject جیوتارمومتر
dc.subject التمعدن
dc.subject المعالجة بالمیاه المعدنیة
dc.subject میلة
dc.subject hot spring
dc.subject groundwater
dc.subject thermality
dc.subject geothermometry
dc.subject minerality
dc.subject crenotherapy
dc.subject Mila
dc.subject source thermale
dc.subject eau souterraine
dc.subject thermalité
dc.subject géothermométrie
dc.subject minéralité
dc.subject crénothérapie
dc.title Le thermalisme de la région de Mila
dc.type Thesis

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