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Processus gravitaires et évaluation de la stabilité des pentes

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dc.contributor.author Manchar, Nabil
dc.contributor.author Benabbas, Chaouki
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T11:13:37Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T11:13:37Z
dc.date.issued 2021-04-20
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/7424
dc.description.abstract Many projects are often compromised, during their realization, and the main cause is, in most cases, a misunderstanding of knowledge of the natural factors (geological and geotechnical) of the sites, especially in the Constantinois as well as in many regions of northern Algeria, the geological structures associated with active neotectonics and gravity movements are still poorly understood. In fact, our study area is part of the Mila-Constantine Neogene basin. It is also subject to important ""gravity movements"". The Constantine area is part of a large KEBIR-RHUMEL watershed. It partially includes the sub-watersheds areas: Rhumel Seguin, Boumerzoug and Rhumel Smendou. The region is characterized by a semi-arid climate. The geological context is quite particular in the north-eastern section of the Maghrebids chain of northern Algeria. It is about formations of age going from Trias to Plio-Quaternary. The analysis and mapping of the risk ""gravity movements"" aims, among various objectives (knowledge of phenomena, adaptation of countermeasures, etc.), the improvement of prevention. For the evaluation of the hazard (or susceptibility) then of the risk of earth movements several methods are adopted. These approaches are qualitative (geomorphological), semi-qualitative (AHP) or quantitative (statistical methods). The exploitation of these different approaches has allowed to understand the relationships between the factors conditioning the landslide.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Sciences Géologiques: Geologie
dc.subject Constantine
dc.subject glissement de terrain
dc.subject risque
dc.subject risque
dc.subject géomorphologie
dc.subject susceptibilité
dc.subject statistique
dc.subject landslide
dc.subject risk
dc.subject geomorphology
dc.subject susceptibility
dc.subject statistics
dc.subject قسنطينة
dc.subject الإنزلاقات الأرضية
dc.subject خطر
dc.subject جيومورفولوجيا
dc.subject قابلية
dc.subject إحصائيات
dc.title Processus gravitaires et évaluation de la stabilité des pentes
dc.title Approche géomorphologique, géologique, et géotechnique- application dans le constantinois.
dc.type Thesis

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