This research addresses the issue of regional differences and the problem of development in Algeria through the study area in the city of Setif. The research tackled the widespread concept of development on the one hand, and the diffuse and used with different concepts and indications on the other. It also discussed the development policies of Algeria, including the issue of regional development as a mechanism for achieving balanced development and justice. The research focused on the naturally differentiated study area, which can be divided into five homogeneous areas: the northern mountainous region, the footprints of the mountains, the Upper High Plains, the Upper High Plains and the Southern Mountain Region.The latter includes administratively sixty town halls. After studying the natural and human characteristics of the region and highlighting the role of the historical factor in its formation, the research tackled the developmental reality of the study region, reaching a map that shows the different levels of development, based on 30 indicators related to various aspects of economic and social development. The research tackled the study and analysis of the various developmental programs that belong to the study area, both public and municipal, sectoral or private, through the activity of the supporting bodies and institutions, and accompanying the private investment. Based on the results obtained in the first parts of the research, the development of prospects and alternatives to development aimed at elevating the region was finally formulated.