New dynamics affecting the contemporary city, causing mutations of its
functioning and its representations, both in the center and at the periphery. This causeda real redistribution of urban functions and a redefinition of the concept of ""territory"".
Indeed, in the current context of urban loosening, the center no longer seems opposed to the periphery, because new places with attraction appear ""on the margins"", prompting new relationships. To be interested in these ""new centralities"" is equivalent to be aware of the overall transformation of urban areas and territories.
The Algerian cities seem to fit in this powerful new form of territorial marking of the contemporary urbanization. Biskra, is a transitional city that unites North and South of the country, and whose centrality rose until now with a traditional way, with the domination of a point on the entire territory, has undergone profound transformations.
The sales function was a determining factor for the ""shaping"" of the contemporary centrality of the city. As well, our work is essentially articulated at the crossroads of two approaches: qualitative and quantitative, emphasizing on the business activity, through its different logic. It was found that a new model of centrality is gradually taking place at Biskra. It is now structured around two main poles: an initial centrality marked by the factor and the historical weight and another centrality, this time secondary and peripheral to the economic essence. This structuring of the Biskri space, was the bearer of a new urban dynamic, that made the spatial structure of the city more readable.
In our view, it would be interesting to develop a strategic vision for the urban
agglomeration to prepare, accompany and / or anticipate future urban development ofthe city. The construction of this overall strategy is able to offer action and management opportunities for local communities and the various stakeholders through a logic of complementarily between the existing and new centralities.