Maintenance became a layer of instruction on the productivity, quality and safety; however it poses at the same time a problem of economy and performance. From this fact the best strategy of maintenance is that which ensures a balance between corrective maintenance and the preventive maintenance. Conditional maintenance is the solution, built-in in the systems of management, it proved reliable; to reduce the downtimes, to optimize manufacture, the resources and the profitability of the production.
However an optimization of maintenance is carried out by a continuous follow-up of
degradation, spoke oblique about a system of control in line ' ' ON-LINE' ' which can answer the industrial requirements and which makes it possible to define the Just necessary to the level of the interventions, ' ' the machine is revised only if its state the necessity''. In order that conditional maintenance to be effective, precise and reliable measurements are strongly recommended. However, the experiment showed that vibratory measurement is the most reliable parameter which gives most precociously and in the best way the state of deterioration of a monitoring machine. Its makes it possible to identify the efforts as soon as they appear, before it did not cause irreversible damage, it also makes it possible after analysis from it to deduce the origin and to estimate the risks of failure. Within this context I made a
study in the cement factory of Hamma Bouziane, which adopted a monitoring continues (ON INE) since 2005, in the hope of an optimal step of conditional maintenance which can develop in time towards a idealized maintenance of the type estimated.
I had also the privilege to continue my work within the SME in charge of the maintenance of the equipment for the cement factories of the east, real measurement have been collected then analyzed by the vibratory indicator and have conducted satisfactory results.