The compilation of concrete is very extensive; a designer that holds sand concrete like material for a building element has an approach of thought concrete.
This study aimed to estimate the BENEFIT that can bring a reinforced concrete sand (RCS) compared to ordinary reinforced concrete (ORC) by comparison between two concretes, it is based on the analysis of a section of a beam in reinforced concrete subjected to the simple bending at the ultimate limit state.
The choice of steel and concrete stress-strain diagrams is essential, because the objective of a designer is the optimal use of these materials.
In order that materials reach their maximum, the study must be conducted at the ultimate limit state of resistance by crushing concrete, namely the Pivot-B, which corresponds to a relative deformation of the most compressed fibber of concrete reaching its maximum ɛcu, at the same time getting stretched and compressed frames to work in plastic domain to ensure an economic section reinforced concrete that will have a slow break and gives warnings in case of ruin.
The analysis on which the comparative study is based, uses a long analytical method, which involves a set of interdependent parameters (fck, fyk, d’,...) and three variables (M, Ast, and Asc: respectively the bending moment, compressed and stretched steel sections), so it was considered more beneficial to associate with analytical processing graphic treatment by developing charts three-input developed to be used in this comparison, these charts are easy and fast to use with less risk of errors.
The actual calculation is laborious and requires the input of a tool. In this sense a program computation proposed for the realization of these chart, existed under the QBASIC software, but in this work it has been used under the MATLAB software.
In order to directly deduct the BENEFIT made by (RCS) over the (ORC) and operate a greater number of variants of parameters taking into account their impact on these BENEFITS, another computer calculation program has been developed under MATLAB software, this program gives better results and minimizes even more the risk of errors.
This study ends with an estimate of the BENEFITS made by (RCS) section compared to the (ORC) section, in addition to the conclusions.