Despite numerous technological booms train and the various forms in which it occurs ' TGV , coral, train .... ‘Realized as a multiple source of environmental problems:
pollution, noise, vibration ... the simulation of rail behavior has become essential because of the cost and difficulties of the experiments.
After a description of the railway and the various components , specifying their mechanical roles, and a summary of the work done on modeling the dynamic behavior of beams rail when a train passes ; the behavior of the beam rail modeled Euler-Bernoulli beam is analyzed Regarding the soil, it is represented by the Winkler model , first method of the integral Fourier transform is used to solve the problem.
The traceback can therefore determine the dynamic response in the spatio- temporal domain. This passage is achieved by evaluating the integral based on the Cauchy residue theorem. A parametric analysis is conducted with respect to the critical damping and the critical speeds. A discussion is made to the results obtained in MAPLE and MATLAB environment.
The second analysis technique is the superposition of the natural modes; a transfer length is determined statically case vibration. The response of the structure coupled to ground is obtained by solving analytically the differential equation of the fourth order governing the movement. The resolution is obtained using the method and the modal superposition convolution integral . The results obtained have been subject to parametric analysis .