Nowadays, the configuration of the electrical grid knows several considerable changes, these
changes are due mainly to the evolution of the types of electricity generation and the variety of
sources of energy. Integrating renewable energy in the grid is necessary and mandatory to
reduce the consumption of natural resources such as gas and oil.
Several constraints are responsible for limiting the integration of renewable energy into the
grid, such as the high cost of equipment, the instability of primary resources (solar illumination
and wind intensity). Photovoltaic energy is among EnR, which has known an importante
evolution, this is due to the simplicity and ease of their installation. The variation of the solar
illumination is a constraint that must be treated in order to produce a stable PV energy, and
frequency. .
In this work, we focus on a study of a system able to regulate the frequency, whatever the
variation of climatic conditions and the different abnormal situations in the grid.
In this thesis, we presented a new method of frequency regulation, this method consists of
installing a resistive load at the busbar, its role is to control only the frequency and ensure the
stability. In order to test the capacity of this method, we simulated with Matlab / Simulink the
various scenarios and variants.
The results obtained are acceptable and confirm the feasibility of this method