The objective of this thesis consists for realizing a wind energy conversion system with a good compromise between cost, energy efficiency, system performance and quality of energy supplied to the grid. To achieve this aim, we have realized a modeling, a control and a simulation of wind generator which consists of a wind turbine, a Doubly Fed Induction Machine, a cycloconverter and a control block. The stator of this machine operating as a generator is connected directly to the grid while the rotor is connected via the cycloconverter which can control all the wind energy system. The stator flux oriented control technique, the sliding mode control, the CWCC (Cosine-Wave Crossing Control) technique and the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) control have been applied on the control block to control independently the active and reactive powers delivered to the grid by the generator and to extract the maximum power. The integration of a Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) between the wind generator and the grid has been realized to maintain the constancy of the
power sent to the grid, following the instability of the wind. Simulation results have been presented to validate and interpret the global operation of the proposed system.