In this thesis, we considered the tracking control of a class of single-input single-output (SISO), and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear uncertain systems, affine in control.
We have proposed for a single-input single-output nonlinear systems three adaptive fuzzy control schemes, the first control scheme consist to approximate the feedback linearization law, by using the fuzzy system of Takagi-Sugeno type (direct approach) the second control scheme based on the approximation of the unknown nonlinear dynamics of the system, by using two fuzzy systems of Takagi-Sugeno type (indirect approach) in the third control scheme, we kept the structure of the second proposed scheme, but with the assumption that the sign of the control gain is unknown. For multi-input multi-output systems we have proposed an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme. The analysis of stability and robustness of the proposed control schemes are performed by using the Lyapunov synthesis method, and for each scheme, simulation results