These days, most of the sensors are ‘smart’ in nature. In such sensors, the sensing elements and associated electronics are integrated on the same chip. This work is focusing on the study and simulation of a micro pressure sensor with associated electronics. This new pressure Sensor Field Effect Transistor PSFET shows some significant advantages such as the output signal (voltage or current). Furthermore, the full compatibility with complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology features to evolve to an intelligent sensor. We have begun our work with a bibliographic study on the state of the art of the pressure sensor device and the various methods of manufacturing of this sensor. The core of this study is the modeling and simulation of Pressure Sensor Based on suspended gate MOSFET; we have developed an analytical model describing the behavior of the sensor. We have investigated several membrane shapes and for different dielectric structures of the suspended gate. Finite element method based COMSOL is used to simulate the behavior of the PSFET pressure sensor. The results show that this type of pressure sensors has a non-linear response and high sensitivity with very small dimensions. We have investigated on the influence of the geometric shape of the membrane, dimensions and type of MOSET on the drain current and on the pressure sensitivity. This study allows us to optimize the sensor performance in function to the application for which it is dedicated. The response of the PSFET pressure sensor based on piezoelectric transistor as a function of pressure was determined in the last chapter. This sensor can be used to measure the air overpressure, due to his linear response in a high-pressure range.