This work (describes a methology ) we use the dual
Youla parameterisation approach for the
robustification of predictive linear control system
s using LMI-based constraints. This method
based on an approach of convex optimization, is use
d to robustify the generalized predictive
controller GPC algorithm applied to an AutoRegressi
ve Integrated Moving Average
(CARIMA) model. The design method consists of two s
teps. In the first step the synthesis
and the robustification of the initial polynomial c
ontroller RST-GPC is carried out. This is
achieved under constraints on the system output, th
e control signal and its increment
represented as LMI using Youla parameterisation. Th
is controller is then robustified
considering frequency and time-domain constraints.
In the second step, the new controller is
robustified by a dual Youla parameterisation consid
ering frequential and temporal
constraints. The effectiveness of this methodology
are demonstrated and applied for position
control of an induction motor drive.