Today information belongs to our environment; it has, in fact, become a raw
material in our present society. It is omnipresent in any human activity. The emergence
of new information and communication technologies has generated a radical change in
the work of the documentary institutions and precisely that of the university libraries.
The information explosion and the emergence of computer science have led to an access
to knowledge more and more orientated toward electronic supports. To be able to play
their part fully, the university libraries must work out strategic plans aiming at
establishing new working methods and placing new efficient services at the disposal of
the user. In order to fulfill the requirements of the information society, a considerable
support must be granted to new technologies, training, and to the implementation of new
This research task which relates to “the information society and its impact on
the university libraries: the case of the city of Constantine” attempts to clarify the
present state of our university libraries as regards the application of new technologies and
the challenges which they must raise so that they can adapt themselves to the
requirements of the information society. For this purpose, this thesis includes in its
totality seven chapters. Three of them deal with the information society, the university
libraries, as well as the library profession under a purely theoretical aspect. The four
other chapters, are devoted exclusively to the survey. On the methodological basis, we
called upon a questionnaire to collect the necessary data. The study is enclosed by
recommendations in the following fields:
- Joint actions for the adoption of a national information policy.
- An increase in financing allowing the university libraries to engage towards the
implementation of new services.
- Reinforcement and support of the application of information and communication
technologies in the Algerian university libraries.
- The launching of digitalization projects.
- Need for working out a specific statute being able to revalorize the library profession.
- Development of collaboration between the university libraries on the basis of work
shared in networks on the national and international levels.