.The resistance of bacteria to various anti-infectious chemotherapies has become a real public health problem. Bacteria ovoid antibiotics through the development of antimicrobiol resistance by draining grugs out the cells. Drug efflux is a key mechanism of resistance mechanism using pump systems located on the surface of bacterial membranes. For this, genetically modified bacteria carrying different types of efflux pumps were chosen as the study model on which Algerian propolis was tested. The tests in vitro performed on different bacterial strains have shown results comparable to those reported in the literature and confirm that Gram-positive bacteria are more sensitive to the effect of propolis than Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, the effectiveness of propolis also extends to resistant strains by efflux pump mechanisms The satisfactory results obtained encouraged us to carry out in vivo studies on wistar rats. The effects on a model of induced infection in rats were studied and evaluated by different laboratory parameters. Restoring the parameters tested in vivo after treatment of the infection with propolis, could confirm the interest of using it as a natural agent capable of countering the effects of oxidative stress linked to infections such as sepsis. As few information, on the clinical efficacy of Algerian propolis, is available, for this, a new step would be interesting to complete the research and thus develop the clinical investigations obtained which would make it possible to evaluate the beneficial effect of propolis in patients. Also the results obtained in this modest work could be used to justify the place that Algerian propolis may have for alternative therapies in the search.