To determine the best culture medium and optimal hormonal
combinations to get a great number of rose seedlings (Rosa canina L) in very
short time, microcuttings of 1 cm length of various positions are cultured in
culture tubes within two different culture media and several hormonal
This study considered different features: position of buds, date of
appearance of the first sheet, the number of sheets and their length and the
number of roots and their length.
For the caulogénèsis, the most encouraging buds are those classified
on the seventh and eighth positions. Medium MS associated with a hormonal
combination made of 1mg/l of cytokinines (Kinétine or BAP) and 0,5 mg/I of 2-
4 D, shows the best results for the set of studied features.
For the rhizogénèsis, Rosa canina L proved to be difficult to take root,
but the application of a temporary auxinic treatment, for a week, in the MS
medium half diluted and associated to 1 mg/I of NAA and 0,05 mg/I of
cytokinins, is most propitious to originate roots.
According to these results, we conclude that for the species Rosa
canina L, a culture medium and hormonal combinations are difficult to find
out, in particular for root initiation.