After presenting an exhaustive catalog of wild bees of the Megachilidae family, several determination keys of taxa of this family and a first representation of their distribution throughout eastern Algeria, we can release, at the end of this thesis, a first global vision of taxonomic characteristics, biogeographical and ecological of Megachilidae of this region. 102 taxa, 21 genera, 43 sub genera of Megachilidae were collected from seven localities of eastern Algeria (Skikda, Guelma, Constantine, Mila, Oum El Bouaghi, Khenchela and Tébessa) during the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. This work also brought out the presence of 8 new species for the Algerian fauna: Osmia anceps (Pérez , 1895) Osmia leaiana schachti Warncke , 1988 ;
Osmia argyropyga (Pérez , 1879) ; Anthidium Florentinum Fabricius, 1775 ; Anthidium amabile ( Alfken , 1932) and Pseudoanthidium enslini ( Alfken , 1928) ; Stelis simillima (Morawitz,1876). Megachile versicolor (Smith, 1844 ).
Among 8 new species, 4 taxa have been the subject of two international publications: Aguib et al. (2010) and Aguib et al. (2014). We also noted in our results that 5 species are endemic to Algeria: Chelostoma edentulum (Pérez , 1895) ; Heriades fertoni ( Benoist 1938) ; Hofferia mauritanica ( Lucas, 1846) ; Osmia purpurata ( Ducke , 1900) ; Megachile sexmaculata (Alfken , 1942). 7 species are endemic to North Africa : Chelostoma carinulum Pérez, 1895 ;Hoplitis quadrispina ( Tkalců , 1992); Hoplitis rubricrus ( Friese , 1899) ; Hoplitis ursina (Friese , 1921) ; Osmia (Neosmia) tingitana ( Benoist, 1969); Hoplosmia dido ( Gribodo , 1894) ;
Pseudoanthidium stigmaticorne Dours , 1873) . 3 subspecies are also endemic to North Africa.
These are: Osmia caerulescens cyanea (Fabricius, 1793) ; Hoplosmia anceyi biarmica (Zanden ,1994) and Anthidium manicatum barbarum ( Lepeleteir , 1841) . We also examined for each species, the geographical distribution in the world and in eastern Algeria, the flight period, floral choice and sometimes, the phenology and ecology of some abundant species.