The recent work consists in two difièrent parts, one
morphophysiology and another caryology studies on some varieties of hard
and soft wheat.
The distinction, the homogeneity and stability of three varieties of
hard wheat (Waha, Bidi 17 and Oued Zenati 386) and three others (Arz,
Mahon-Demias and Florence x Aurore 8193) of soft wheat were realised
according to U. P. O. V. (Itemational Union for Protection of Vegetables
Otentions) recommendations by following plants stages.
This study necessits Analysis of Principal Components (A. P. C.) and
Factorial Analysis of Correspondents (F. A. C.) on the fact that our variables
were essentially qualitatively.
Our varieties were distinguished by some variables, homogenise and
stables. Nevertheless, stability in our case can’t be confirmed for one year of
On the other hand, six described cards have been proposed for the six
Caryology study by Feulgen coloration of two varieties chromosomes
(Waha and Bidi 17) of hard wheat is complicated. A lot of assays with
several pretreatants were effeclued at many temperatures and at various
Two ideograms for the two varieties were realised and show that
almost chromosomes were metacentrics.
Waha variety presents only one satellite and two secondary
Constrictions where as Bidi 17 has only one secondary constriction.
The two caryotypes are symmetrical and the two varieties in
chromosome morphology appear homogenises but they differed for
chromosomes types traces.
Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1