In the present study, the antihyperglycemic, anti-diabetic and antioxidant effects of the n-Butanol
extract (BE) obtained from air part of Ranunculus repens L plant and quercetin were investigated in
normal glucose-fed hyperglycemia, in alloxan induced diabetes and in epirubicin (EPI) toxicity of the
rats. The results of this study show antihyperglycemic and antidiabetic activity of the phenolic
compounds. And to elucidate a possible mechanism of action of this plant extract, the glycogen liver
rate, insulin secretion and the in vitro chelating effect of glucose by plant compounds were also
investigated. The flavonoids reduced significantly blood glucose in a dose-dependant manner
(200,400,600 mg/kg) in both hyperglycemic and diabetic rats after oral administration as oral
hypoglycemic drug, glibenclamide (2.5 mg/kg). We show that flavonoids extracts was able
significantly to complex the glucose in vitro, induce insulin secretion of beta cells and to active
glycogenesis in liver as shown by the abundance of glycogen granulation in liver histochemical
preparation after administration of flavonoids extract. In addition these flavonoids extract and
quercetin possess a chemoprotector power against malondialdehyde formation (MDA, lipid
peroxidation product) and reduction of antioxidant systems such SOD, CAT and GSH in alloxaninduced diabetic rats. The equilibrium disorder of redox status after alloxan administration is
reestablished by flavonoids pretreatment of alloxanised rats. The flavonoids markedly inhibited lipid
peroxidation process in pancreatic cells and the proportioning of cytosolic SOD, CAT and GSH
showed a significant elevation to establish equilibrium of redox status and consequently protect beta
cells and prevent diabetes.
The anticancer therapy with EPI produces acute hepatotoxicity by generation of free radicals.
However, the oxidative status of the liver cells and mitochondria has been investigated in EPI toxicity
of the rats. In this present study, we investigated in first the prooxidant effect of EPI and its
implication on both hepatic cells and mitochondria function. EPI injection in rats at dose of 9 mg/kg
induced hepatic dysfunction revealed by a significant increase in serum of glutamate oxaloacetate
transaminases and glutamate pyruvate transaminases. Oxidative stress in liver cells and mitochondria
was provoked by EPI since a statistically significant reduction of CAT, SOD and GSH levels, and
significant increase of MDA level, indicator of lipid peroxidation which could perforate the biologic
membranes, were observed. In second, the protective effect of quercetin (33 mg/kg) and flavonoids
extract of RRL (100 mg/kg) against oxidative stress induced by EPI was also investigated. Indeed, the
pretreatment of rats with flavonoids protected liver cells and mitochondria from oxidative stress
permitting, on one hand, the prevention of hepatic dysfunction on maintaining the normal level of
serum transaminases following inhibition of their hepatic leakage by preventing lipid peroxidation
Thus, the prevention of the cellular membranes perforation, and in the other hand maintaining also
antioxidant defense system in mitochondria and cytosol of hepatocytes.
Taken together, this data reveal that flavonoids extract of Ranunculus repens L extract and quercetin
possess an interesting virtue to be antihyperglycemic and antidiabetic with positive action on liver
glycogenesis and insulin secretion. These phenolic compounds have also antiradical and antioxidant
power that confers them chemoprotection role against oxidative stress generated in pancreas cells and
liver respectively by alloxan and epirubicin.