عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Boufenara Hanane
dc.contributor.author Chehad Mohamed Salah
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:12:35Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:12:35Z
dc.date.issued 2008-03-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3858
dc.description 203 f.
dc.description.abstract In our study, we suggest to give interest to conversational analysis in order to study a sample of media written interactions taking place in a real time on internet, mainly internet (online) chats. These interactions are the result of same recorded hours on the « algériechat.net » website. This study aimsat bringing out the interactional, conversational and linguistic specificities of language practices of young Algerian users of cyberspace. This research work is inspired by the methods of Véronique TRAVERSO and Catherine KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI in conversational analysis, in addition to the works of Jaques ANIS, Véronique MATTIO and Michael MARCOCCIA in digital writings, namely in graphic usages, which deals with differences between the available face-to-face semiotic material and that of the chat, and finally the expression of emotion in both. In the second part, we have been interested in demonstrating the graphmatic processes used by our internet users in order to transcribe and get their message through
dc.format 30 cm
dc.language.iso fre
dc.subject Langue Française
dc.subject Interactions médiatisées
dc.subject Interactionnisme
dc.subject Internet
dc.subject Néographie
dc.subject Analyse conversationnelle
dc.subject Webchat
dc.title Analyse des intéractions écrites médiatisées par ordinateur
dc.title L'exemple du chat en Algérie
dc.coverage Magister Deux disponibles à la salle de recherche Trois disponibles au magasin de la bibliothèque universitaire centrale+ 1 cd

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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