Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Ce que le jour doit à la nuit de Yasmina Khadra et Alger, ville blanche de Régine Deforges.

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dc.contributor.author Chouar, Soundous
dc.contributor.author Boussaha, Hassen
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:04:36Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:04:36Z
dc.date.issued 2021-12-19
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3592
dc.description.abstract This thesis is in the field of comparative literature and focuses on the historical novel, it has the title: Algiers, white city of Régine DEFORGES and What the day owes to the night of Yasmina Khadra; comparative study in light of the historical novel of Walter Scott. The choice of this corpus is not accidental, it responds to the principle of «transnational» that advocates comparative literature, the writers of the novels objects to the analysis are from different cultural areas, Régine DEFORGES is French, Yasmina KHADRA is Algerian, while Walter Scott is Scottish. However, out of respect for the new horizon that comparative literature demands, in this case: the multidisciplinary opening, we opened the analysis of the corpus on the social sciences and humanities, our objective is to: 1. Bring new comparative readings to our corpus in the light of comparative poetics and humanities and social sciences. 2. Prove that the historical novel is an excellent tool for implementing the comparative approach in its new horizon, in this case: pluridisciplinarity. 3. Highlight the contribution of technology in the analysis of literary works. The problem that assigns this thesis is: how does the historical novel, namely our corpus, respond to the principle of multidisciplinary openness of comparative literature? Following this problem, we have convened theories from: History, politics, ideology, psychology and sociology of literature. All of the above objectives have been achieved.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Langue Française: Littérature Francophone et Comparée
dc.subject Le roman historique scottien
dc.subject le roman historique francoalgérien contemporain
dc.subject poétique comparée
dc.subject pluridisciplinarité
dc.subject comparaison triangulaire/ binaire
dc.subject The historical Scottish novel
dc.subject the contemporary Franco
dc.subject Algerian historical novel
dc.subject comparative poetics
dc.subject multidisciplinary
dc.subject triangular / binary comparison
dc.subject الرواية التاريخية الأسكتلندية
dc.subject الرواية التاريخية
dc.subject الفرنسية الجزائرية المعاصرة
dc.subject الأدب المقارن
dc.subject تعددية التخصصات
dc.subject مقارنة ثلاثية / ثنائية
dc.title Ce que le jour doit à la nuit de Yasmina Khadra et Alger, ville blanche de Régine Deforges.
dc.title Étude comparative à la lumière du roman historique de Walter Scott.
dc.type Thesis

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