Afficher la notice abrégée Benslimane, Ilhem Hanachi, Daouia Boyer, Henri 2022-05-24T08:03:09Z 2022-05-24T08:03:09Z 2018-01-18
dc.description.abstract Nowadays, speaking subjects use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to communicate remotely and strengthen inter-individual relationships. In fact, technical devices reveal new forms of sociability and new ways of understanding information; Especially in academia; Where many people turn to online ""tchats"" to deviate from standard writing. In fact, the synchronicity and immediacy of this exchange give rise to a hybrid language called ""electronic discourse"" where the oral and written languages coexist, thus forming a hybrid language encompassing the notions of ""creativity"" and "" Neologism "". From this perspective we propose the results of an analytical study on the distinctive features of a corpus of instant conversation provided by university students preparing a bachelor's degree in French language and literature at Constantine I. To reinforce these results, We will proceed by sociolinguistic survey made by a questionnaire intended for an audience of informants belonging to the department of French in order to reveal some of their representations with respect to the chat and its textual practice.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject tchat
dc.subject discours électronique
dc.subject mélange de langues
dc.subject représentations
dc.subject chat
dc.subject electronic discourse
dc.subject language mix
dc.subject representations
dc.subject الدردشة
dc.subject الخطاب الالكتروني
dc.subject مزيج من اللغات
dc.subject التصورات
dc.title La communication mediee par ordmateur
dc.title Tchat et ecriture reiriventee. Cas des etudiants universitaires du departement defrangais de l 'Universite constantinel.
dc.type Thesis

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