المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

L’énonciation de la subjectivité dans le discours journalistique de la presse écrite francophone

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Chehad Mehamed Salah
dc.contributor.author Bentounsi Ikram Aya
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:01:54Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:01:54Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/3510
dc.description 358 f.
dc.description.abstract Our research has for purpose to analyze the implicit and / or explicit functioning of language forms of subjectivity of practitioners of media communication of the press. It aims, on the basis of recognized enunciative theories based on semantics, pragmatics and psychology, to build a broad and ambitious definition of journalistic subjectivity. Thus, the analysis parameters and concepts used are mostly borrowed from linguistics and discourse analysis. The analysis, conducted on a corpus of Francophone Algerian newspaper productions, is rooted in the sociolinguistic reality of which it did not neglect in principle any dimension (morpho-syntactic, meta-discursive). Our analysis of linguistic traces of subjectivity aims to see how the speakerjournalist expresses his presence in his discourse through his vision, his analysis, his critics and his attitudes vis-à-vis of political events characterizing the Algerian society in a specific period, that concerning the general elections of the first half of 2012. Given its sociolinguistic, communicative and interactional dimensions, the analysis is based on three main poles: the enunciating subject (evaluative, axiological and socio emotional traces of his presence), content (morphosyntactic and semantic aspects) and media communication contract (media production plan). The update of the forms of the press subjectivity helped unveil the ambiguities posed to concepts of subjectivity / objectivity in the reviews, editorials, commentaries and columns. And that, through the study of how the subjectivity induced by certain types of staging the journalist in his own speech and by his appeals to the reader. The condition of omnipresence of the more or less displayed subjectivity and the different means used in the language of the francophone Algerian newspapers have been extensively analyzed and at the level of extensions and applications, our research is a contribution to the debate on the journalistic code of ethics.
dc.format 30 cm.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Langue Française
dc.title L’énonciation de la subjectivité dans le discours journalistique de la presse écrite francophone
dc.title Le Soir d’Algérie, Le Quotidien d’Oran, El Watan et Liberté
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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